About Jeremy
Jeremy Levy has a strong business background, is a team leader for youth sports and athletics, and lives an active outdoor Okanagan lifestyle. He moved to the Okanagan in 2005.
Levy owns a general contracting company that works throughout BC, and majored in political science at SFU where he attended on a full-paid athletic scholarship. He is passionate about giving back to the community and is interested in serving as your Coldstream Councillor.
“Jeremy has strong and authentic communication skills. He understands the importance of executing a game plan from start to finish and is a proven leader and dedicated team member. His effort is unmatched and would be an asset to Coldstream council” - RDNO Vice-Chair Amanda Shatzko.
Building a strong community through...
Building Award-winning Teams
Supporting Active Living
Developing Inter-jurisdictional Collaborations
Taking Sustainable Action Towards Our Natural Resources
Advocating for Rural Living at it's Best
Help Jeremy get elected to Coldstream Council
Spread the word
Tell your friends and family to VOTE for LEVY
Your generous contribution will help fund Jeremy's campaign. You can send an e-transfer to contact@jeremylevy.ca or use paypal.me/ColdstreamLevy
You can make a campaign contribution if you are a resident of B.C., and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. You can give up to a maximum of $1,250.00 to a local elections candidate.
Elect LEVY as COUNCILLOR for the District of Coldstream
Voting Locations: Coldstream Elementary and Lavington Elementary Schools (8am-8pm)
EARLY VOTING on October 5, 12 & 13th at Coldstream Municipal Hall (8am-8pm)

Email - contact@jeremylevy.ca
Tel - 1-778-652-9798